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Shipping Customs Clearance: Essential Steps for Smooth International Shipping

Time : 2024-09-17

Moving goods from one country to another involves several stages which have to be followed so as to successfully complete the operation of moving goods from one country to another. Fengjin, a leading logistics company provides full serviced international shipping services, among which the very important step is customs clearance.

Import clearance is performed on ceasing international freight and it is quite a lengthy task which involves the legal documentation and processes to be followed to be able to transport goods beyond the borders of a particular state. Hence, Fengjin offers such services within its operations which help to ensure that all the paperwork required is done in the right manners within a short period minimizing errors and delays.

Our Fengjin services are not limited to only customs clearance. Our company offers, to international shipping, a variety of services that includes but is not limited to export tax refund, collection of letter of credit, and foreign payment collection among others. we often follows the ship voyage, handling of the products at the docking station of entering a foreign country.

We as one of the international shipping services tanden why is that of our Fengjin where it is seen that we has a broad network oxford dictionary. Not only in terms of domestic, but also in international standards, Fengjin has been able to provide point-to-point service of self-owned container trains by linking main cities of China to Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia and Central Asia.

Fengjin focus on excellence is very clear through the customer service aspect. One of the components in our organization dedicated towards achieving customer satisfaction through after sale service is the sales department. This enables clients to get the necessary information and assistance they require for engagement in the international business successfully.

Fengjin focus on international shipping practice with special interests and expertise on the customs and other activities surrounding it makes us a trustworthy partner for those companies wishing to conquer new markets. Fengjin fosters confidence among companies in areas of international shipping by employing its knowledge and experience.